Monday, May 30, 2005

1 Down, 1 To Go... of the first layer

After Sunday, Tuesday and part of Friday, I finally finished putting the first layer of joint compound around one doorlessframe, and part of the 2nd. This is taking forever. And there's still 2 more layers after this. *sigh* But the first doorway looks decent. After more sanding, compound, sanding, compound, sanding, primer, paint... it'll look good. The 2nd and 3rd layers are thinner so it shouldn't take so long. It helps that I sorta know what I'm doing now.

We've decided to chip the paint off the other kitchen walls. Its like gloss paint on gloss paint and some is peeling/chipping already. So to save us headaches later, we'll just deal with it now.

They're baaaaack!!! We think what we've got are carpenter bees. They're in the stump, the railing of our deck, and the awning of the back room next to the garage. We'll try some insecticide or bee and wasp killer stuff. We should just put a big bubble around our house/back yard so no bugs get in. *Shrug* I dunno, got any other ideas?

Chris' dad is coming up Tuesday to help finish the electrical work. I think he's done with almost half the house. He actually wants to sleep at the house. He'll be the first. We'll see how it goes. We could use the help.


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