Monday, August 15, 2005

Parental units back again

Friday was Chris' birthday. His parents drove up Friday afternoon and his sister and her hubby late Friday night. We had a little bbq for Chris. Just our families. Can you say way too much food? Both of our mothers like to cook for armies when there's only half an army attending. Luckily I warned my mom so she didn't go crazy this time. But there was a lot of good food and family.

So after dinner Friday while we waited and waited and waited for Chris' sister (traffic, I hear), we primed the laundry room.

Chris' dad was working out the plans for the washer and dryer hookups. Originally there was a plastic sink in the left corner of the short wall and the washer was in the right corner. The dryer sat midway through the long wall. There was a makeshift cabinet above the washer covering 1/4 of the window and wire shelving screwed into the wall above the dryer. Next to the dryer was a makeshift door and wall. Cubicle walls in an office are sturdier. We got rid of everything. We still have the sink but it needs new legs. The legs and screws securing it to the ground were rusted and broke off when we removed it. I think we'll need a whole new unit but we'll see... for now, we paint away...

Saturday, before the bbq, our lemon tree got a nice haircut. Brother-in-law Eric felt so bad for the tree that he couldn't help himself. This lemon tree had been neglected for years probably. It was the densest lemon tree I've ever seen. And since the branches and leaves were growing so close together, it had mold on it. Eric has a very green thumb so he pruned and cut and sawed off the infected branches. It was like a giant bonzai tree. Its 100 times better now. And its got a friend. Marielle and Eric gave us a plumaria tree in a pot. Its about 2 feet tall right now. I hope we don't kill it. =)

Sunday Marielle and Eric had to go back to Agoura but his dad was working away at the hookups. He bought all of the pipes he needed that morning. Mid day he says, "Uh oh!" Great, now what? Apparently he miscalculated and had to go back to Home Depot and have the cut and rethread the pipe. So they stop what they're doing and go to H/D. An hour or 2 later they come back. It sounded like a near fiasco. The guy was about to do it wrong if Chris' dad didn't say something. Luckily they were watching.

After a few hours, Voila! All that's left now is piping for the drain. That will have to wait for the sink.

His parents left today for Vallejo on their way to Idaho for a wedding and an Alaskan cruise from Vancouver. They'll make their way back here in mid September. His dad was able to finish the laundry hookups as well as the laundry room and bathroom light fixtures. Someday they'll have bulbs and power running through it so we can have some light.


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