Friday, October 21, 2005

It Has Arrived

They got it right this time. We actually got the mattress. The box is a little over twice the size of the air purifier box. Its like super duper vacuum packed. It even has like a 10 step instruction of how to open the stupid thing. The box itself is a bit mashed and mangled. UPS didn't take much care in shipping this one. Luckily its just a dense mass of foam. Nothing breakable. They didn't even ring the doorbell. Chris said they just threw it on the porch and drove off. The only thing that tipped him off that it arrived was their noisy truck driving off. What service.

Just in time, too. Our bedroom set comes in tomorrow. That'll be interesting. Its supposed to be their 'White Glove' delivery service. They're supposed to assemble everything for us. They better not mess up the hardwood floor!

AND... our Comcast gets transferred tomorrow too. I wonder when we'll move the huge tv. =)

We're movin' right along.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woohoo!!!! when r u moving in?

11:56 AM  

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