Pruner and the TiVo

We took advantage of the warm sunny San Jose winter and pruned the persimmon tree yesterday. Is this the right time of year to be pruning such a tree??? Beats me. But we did it anyway. Chris had fun with the saw and cleared some of the random shrubs that we didn't know what they were and had no desire to keep. There's so much more room now. He even started to fill the pond with some donated dirt. It sure is gonna take a lot of dirt to fill the hole. But at least now the persimmon tree has more room to breath and hopefully it'll recover from our pruning. I didn't know they drop their leaves, but oh boy, do they ever.
While Chris was doing all the gardening, I was puttying the guest room baseboards that he installed last week. The whole room is painted now and it looks great. Just a few minor things left there. I was also putting away some of our kitchen items that we packed from the apt last week. Fun. We need more cabinet space. Someday.
The other goal we had for the day was setting up our TiVo. By 9pm we decided to start. Items required: activation setup (online), long tv cable, long phone cable, and a working phone line. We got the phone box installed outside the house last week or something. But, we don't have any jacks coming into the house yet. So, to skip that part, we need a long phone cable to plug in from the box outside to the TiVo box. This is only needed for the initial setup and downloading part. The TiVo box needs the tv cable connected too. So here's the plan, I brought over a long phone cable and tv cable from the apt. We'd hook it up the phone from outside, do the setup, then, after we install a jack near the tv it would be all good. Here's what happened. Plan A...The instructions said to connect the A/V cables (provided), tv cables(provided), and the phone cables(provided). Uhh... all those cables won't reach from outside to the TiVo to the tv. We need a phone extension adapter but we don't have one. Plan B...The phone cable I brought was too short, maybe the provided one is longer. Uhh... still too short. Plan C... Run it through the window, over the fence, and into the box outside. Uhh... still too short. Plan D... Screw the A/V cables. We had 3 tv cables connected with splitters (cuz the cables weren't long enough by themselves) and the phone cable stretched tight from the box outside to the TiVo and had the TiVo sitting in the kitchen for the setup. And it worked. Who cares if it was 11:30 at night when we finished, at least it worked. Now we can get our rebate. Woo Hoo!!!
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