Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blue floor no more

We've finally started on our last flooring project for the main part of the house. The horrid aqua marine blue linoleum is no longer. Chris has been working on it all week. He took out the blue toilet and we moved the vanity into the guest room. Removing the top colored layer of linoleum was not too bad. But it separated from the paper part that's glued onto the floor. We could've just left it put everything on top, but the paper showed some water stains so we wanted to make sure there wasn't any water damage on the wood underneath.

Luckily there isn't any water damage to the wood but since he easily chipped away the dark spots, we figure the rest shouldn't be that bad to remove. Its about a 1/4" thick layer of paper and adhesive that he partially removed so we can't really leave the rest as is with these divots all over the place. Unfortunately, the 90% of remaining floor would not come off. Chris tried the hammer and crow bar thing, that didn't work. We bought one of those huge scraper things in the tile department, that didn't work. He was almost willing to remove the plywood that's just under the adhesive layer. But that's a major job, I think. So I borrowed my dad's heat gun and its working so much better. Its slow, but its working. We've got 3' left to go. He should have it out by the end of the day, then we can start cutting backerboard and screwing it all in. We'll probably be grouting by the weekend.

The in-laws will be back some time next week. I'm sure we'll be done with the bathroom by then. It'll look so much better when we're done. Then we get to tackle the basement, garage, and driveway.


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