Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feel'n Hot Hot Hot!!

After our cool adventure to Comic-con in San Diego, we return to a 95 degree house. Scorching! And it stays above 85 indoors for the next week. Too hot to do any outdoor work. We spent most of the days in the basement watching tv on our tiny tv/vcr combo contraption. We even turned on the a/c one night. Shocker, huh...

Now that we're back to comfortable 75-80 degrees outside, we finally get outside to finish clearing up the yard. The pond is no longer. Its a nice flat patch of dirt, to match the rest of the dirt in the yard. Chris got a lot of aggressions out with the pick axe. Therapy.

It took me all week but I finished another panel for the basement ceiling. That's 2 total now. 4 more to go. We'll try mounting it this week. We also finished assembling some wooden shelves that my dad donated from his printing shop that he recently retired. It'll cover up a portion of the bare cement walls in the basement. Don't worry, the whales are still there, for now.

We still have a long way to go before our various bbq's this month. Our visitors start arriving next week. We decided to rent a uhaul or something to haul all of our junk to the dump. Much cheaper than renting a dumpster. Can you believe 2/3 of the cost goes to fees and permits and such??? Crazy.


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